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Walter Stewart


Always working from the “real questions” Walter Stewart & Associates assists organizations to:

  • develop strategic plans in the context of an emerging knowledge-based economy

  • translate strategic plans into operating plans

  • develop and implement collaborations within the organization or across organizations

  • plan and implement large, complex, multi-stakeholder projects

  • assess the likely impact of social, economic, and technological change on the organization

  • develop a blueprint for the deployment of technology that serves those strategic plans.

Skills in research and analysis together with a widely based knowledge of emerging trends ensure that clients of Walter Stewart & Associates receive advice that is truly strategic and truly capable of driving organizations to success in a knowledge-based economy.

In addition to the consulting work of Walter Stewart & Associates, Walter Stewart speaks at conferences around the world.  Please click below for an example of a presentation.


How many meetings have you been too that became bogged down, that plunged hopelessly down rat holes, that ended in exhaustion rather than results?
Such meetings are always costly and frustrating, never more so when strategic planning is blocked by dysfunctional meetings.

As more and more major initiatives require development of strategic plans across multiple organizations, well-facilitated meetings that move the agenda forward are critical.

Walter Stewart has twenty years’ experience facilitating effective, productive meetings. He has facilitated strategic planning meetings for universities, colleges, private sector companies, not-for-profit companies. His facilitation clients have included CANARIE, the Ontario Clean Water Agency, the Southern Ontario Water Consortium, the Embassy of Canada in Tel Aviv, the University of British Columbia, the Smart Region Initiative, Cornell University, and the West Vancouver School Board.

Walter’s capacity to listen, to ask groups strategic questions, to synthesize discussions, to test outcomes with the group, and to summarize findings ensures that a Walter Stewart facilitated meeting moves forward and ends with clear next steps.

For client opinions on Walter Stewart’s work as a facilitator click here

A presentation to CANHEIT 2010


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Walter Stewart & Associates
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